mardi 29 novembre 2011

Luck versus statistics

We all have our own personal favourite method of picking Lottery numbers :-Birthdays,Anniversaries,House number etc.
But how many of us are successful, how many big winnwers do you know? I bet it isn't too many. But then did you know that there is a statistically proven method of winning. Does 87% success rate sound good to you?
If I was to tell you that a top professor from one of the most esteemed universities on earth had developed over 27 years, a method which gave you this chance of winning would you be interested?
I'm guessing the answer is yes, because like just about everyone else you dream of having the kind of money that makes worries a thing of the past. The kind of money that can provide for you and your family for ever.
This method can't guarantee you will win the jackpot, but statistically it shows that you will win most weeks if you follow the advice given.
It's not even that expensive and it comes with a money back guarantee. Amazing.
Your new wonderful life is only a click away
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